Nu när det mesta designarbetet är klart på system-reglerna och Poltava och Helsingborg så är jag sugen på att börja ett nytt projekt. Vilket slag vore intressantast härnäst?
SMF - Just uppdaterat!
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This is real Europe, that of 1700's, where you are now taking charges of one of the mightiest powers of the time. Be one of those illustrious Sovereigns, such as Louis XIV, William of Orange, Jan Sobieski (hero and king of Poland), Charles XII named the Alexander of the North, Peter the Great, the progressive Tsar of all Russia, the iron empress Maria-Theresa, or else the impetuous and brilliant Frederick II the Great.
For a long century, you will be in charge of the realm of your fathers. Levy taxes and troops, build fleets and fortresses, negotiate valuable alliance, declare war at the right time and fight it successfully, to end up with power and glory for your royal self...
The game is designed for 5 players but 2 to 10 players can play.
In 5 player game, each player controls two major powers: England & Turkey, Spain & Prussia, France & Poland, Holland & Russia, Sweden & Austria.
9 scenarios (8 Mini-campaigns, 1 Grand campaign) - NB: all scenarios end are variable:
Grand Campaign: 1700 to 1800 (or French revolution)
Devolution war: 1661 to 1666
Holland war: 1672 to 1677
Augsburg ligue: 1681 to 1697
Spanish succession: 1700 to 1713
Spain is back: 1717 to 1731
Poland succession: 1733 to 1737
Austria succession: 1740 to 1753
Seven years war: 1756 to 1761
Bar confederation: 1768 to 1787
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