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Heart of Darkness

Startat av Kanger, 24 augusti 2013 kl. 21:27:31

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

0 Medlemmar och 1 Gäst tittar på detta ämne.


Mitt nästa projekt:


Feed me...  :up:
Ola Palmquist. Spelar nu:   GMT Roads to Leningrad, därefter GMTs Army Group Center, SPIs Panzergruppe Guderian, S&T Smolensk,  Som sidoprojekt, lite till och från, AHs Squadleaderserie.


Svagt influerat av det klassiska "Source of the Nile", men det kommer att vara eget och gjort för upp till sex spelare.




Mats Eden

Kommer terrängen att slumpas ut? (med vissa fixa företeelser som berg ser det ut som...)


Terrängen kan påverkas av intilliggande terräng. Om ej så dras terräng-chit (med tonvikt på de två vanligaste terrängtyperna)


Citat från: Kanger skrivet 24 augusti 2013 kl. 21:50:13
Svagt influerat av det klassiska "Source of the Nile",


Kan man hoppas på kritor?  :P


Här kommer texten från CSW och BGG:

To give you a sneakpeek on the Heart system (or should I say the Heart of the system) as it is now.

It is for up to six players who, in mid 19th century, will venture into the heat of the darkness from separate starting points. You will outfit an expedition consisting of askaris, porters, and goods. You will choose regions to enter and what approach you will have regarding local people. You will search for rumoured stories that is said to exist somewhere in that dark continent, and you will map the terrain as well as trying to survive.

The mechanics will be straightforward. Each region has entry/exit points along the borders to all adjacent regions, in the shape of white squares (transfer zones). There is a symbol at each transfer zone in a region showing different ethnic groups. When you wish to enter a region from a transfer zone, you will roll two dice, a d10 and a d6.

The d10 is compared to the number of askaris that you have. You wish to roll beneath that number to be respected. The d6 is your approach. A 5-6 means that you are accepted by the people you meet. You may choose to modify your roll. But adding a, let's say a +2 to both dice means you will increase your change of being accepted, but decrease your chance of being respected. Modifying it with a, let's say a -2 will create a vice versa result. The roll may therefore give you four different results: Fail-Fail; Success-Success; Fail-Success; Success-Fail. Each one is a different response from the locals.

Mapping is done by rolling a bunch of coloured dice. Each transfer zone has a colour code also. You pick the eligible coloured dice and roll them. The highest one will point at a region from which you will copy the terrain. If there is none there, then you will pick one from a cup. Rivers winding itself across the regions are determined in the same fashion by dice, showing where it continues. It may continue, turn into a lake, or you may have found the source.

There is a possible treasure counter in each region. If you are mapping it, you may flip it and see what it is. Most probably, it is blank. But it may well be a fantastic discovery (like the elephant grave yard) as well as an unpleasant surprise (cannibals, hungry anyone?)

Now of course, there is suddenly a disaster striking you, either by random or by a jealous player that may find you a bit too far ahead in the game (lions chewing up a porter, sorry about that).

Unless fed by friendly locals, you must hunt. Dangerous business. Not only may you not succeed in collecting enough food, an elephant may decide to give one of your askaris a lesson. Luckily enough you brought food with you. You did, didn't you?

Then, in the end, stay healthy and sane. When heat, danger, sickness, and time is wearing you down, your mind is slowly going. One day, you may just walk into the bush, alone and never heard from again. Maybe you were screaming, maybe you were not.

Having spent quite a lot of time in the bush of Africa in my youth, I feel the adventure and the longing myself, and I wish to convey this to you. See youself gazing at the endless horizon of the veldt, feel the beauty and the immense heat of the desert, struggle through the damp and inpenetrable rainforest with all its strange sounds, face the local people who is (at this period of history) deciding whether to offer you food or to put a spear through you (in order to protect themselves).

When you stand there on the savanna with your guide, are you sure you are heading in the right direction?

Stay tuned for the next great game from Legion Wargames

Mats Eden

Och när får man vara med och speltesta?  :)


Ja, min ambition är att få ut så mycket testning FÖRE släppet denna gång  :)

Det är inte klart ännu för extern testning, men det ögonblicket kommer att komma, och då hör jag definitivt av mig här.

So stay tuned.

Andreas Lundin

Funderar mest på (spelar mindre): Europa Universalis. Warhammer 40000. GBoH

Mats Eden

Friendly Fire? (alltid bra en deadline...) Och så får du nått att arbeta med under sommaren... ;)


Jo tack  :)

Oavsett, så ska jag sätta fart. Kan bli en Kickstarter campaign av det här. Då är det helt andra pengar vi pratar om.

Mats Eden

Målgruppen här är väl också bredare än DBP...
Vad är för övrigt ambition på speltid för spelet?