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Meddelanden - jonjac

Events / SV: LinCon 2016 4 - 8 maj 2016
13 april 2016 kl. 22:40:08
Citat från: Delirium skrivet 13 april 2016 kl. 13:07:09
Finns nog en risk att vandrarhemmet är fullt kan jag tänka mig, men lycka till.  :up:

Jag har redan ett bokat rum alltså... :)

Events / SV: LinCon 2016 4 - 8 maj 2016
12 april 2016 kl. 16:24:26
Citat från: Delirium skrivet  4 april 2016 kl. 21:31:01
Trevligt att höra Fredrik. Vi är åtminstone tre som bor på Scandic Väst i Ryd, cirka 20 minuters promenadavstånd från hotelldörr till pincett.
Åh.. Skulle vart nice, men jag är för snål. Tar in på vandrarhemmet next door i vanlig ordning och får förtära den sunkiga frukosten på konventet. :-/
Events / SV: LinCon 2016 4 - 8 maj 2016
12 april 2016 kl. 16:13:45
Citat från: Delirium skrivet 12 april 2016 kl. 14:56:33
Även annat åker med så klart. Skriv gärna här om det är annat som är eftertraktat.
Alla multiplayer som inte är monsterspel också! ;-)
Vackra bilder!  :mrgreen:
Coolt!  :up:
Andra världskriget / SV: Reprint av Up Front!
8 maj 2015 kl. 19:01:35
Kan ju nämnas att det kom en uppdatering på Kickstarter  den 23/4 2015...

Citat från: Rik FalchHello All, 
We have finally concluded the lawsuit with Phil Sauer, this has left our company depleted of all resources as most would understand happens from lawsuits. 

We were unable to post status updates during that time and now that the case has been dismissed, we can speak to the future of Up Front. 

We are trying to find some help from some other publishers to complete this project and move forward. There is interest and we are working to sort out the details but nothing has been agreed to. 

Your understanding during this time while we try to get this completed will be appreciated. Once we have solidified a deal, there will be an announcement. We appreciate these folks listening to our plea and we are hopeful to come to an arrangement as quickly as possible. 

Our biggest concern is that the supporters of this project can see the finished product. 

Best Regards
Citat från: thermopylai skrivet 26 april 2015 kl. 22:53:51
Beställt. Sällan man får spela om hemtrakter. Mina morföräldrar är från Tornedalen.  :up:

Min farfar låg där under första och min morfar under andra världskriget. (I beredskap på svenska sidan.)

Farmor som växte upp i Kalix har berättat hur det kom en ström av finska flyktingar som fick tak över huvudet hemma hos folk både högt och lågt under den här tiden.
Events / SV: LinCon 2015 - 14 - 17 maj 2015
5 maj 2015 kl. 22:42:38
Någon som vill köra ett parti 7 Ages?
Events / SV: LinCon 2015 - 14 - 17 maj 2015
3 maj 2015 kl. 23:48:07
Citat från: Andreas Lundin skrivet 29 april 2015 kl. 12:49:26
Är det nån som köpt Fief? Är det nåt att spela på lincon isf?

Jag är gärna med om någon tar med det!  :)
Krigsspel / Triumph & Tragedy (GMT)
25 oktober 2013 kl. 08:07:14
Vad tror ni om spelet Triumph & Tragedy då? Tycker själv det verkar mycket intressant. Perfekt konventspel? Men kanske lika bra att invänta ett släpp så man hinner se lite recensioner av det.

Triumph and Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game for 3  players (also playable by 2) covering the competition for European supremacy during the period 1935-45 between Capitalism (the West), Communism (the Soviet  Union) and Fascism (the Axis). It has diplomatic, economic, technological and military components, and can be won by gaining economic hegemony or  technological supremacy (A-bomb), or by vanquishing a rival militarily.
Andra världskriget / Re: The Supreme Commander (GMT)
25 oktober 2013 kl. 08:00:53
Ny update från GMT idag. Låter ju rätt okej.

Status on The Supreme Commander
Most of you are probably already aware that we had a few production problems with The Supreme Commander. The issues were significant enough, in our eyes, to hold off on shipping any to distributors until we can get an update kit produced that we'll then send out to all the P500 guys and anyone else who bought direct from us right after the game's release. We'll also then upgrade all the copies in our warehouse before we begin shipping to distributors.
I want to extend a big "thank you" to Kevin Bernatz, who has stepped in to help us identify and fix the various issues with the game. He has been a tremendous help to us, and without him, we couldn't have put such a comprehensive update together so quickly.
So when is the update going to be in your hands? I'm not comfortable telling you a date until I know that all the components are shipping from the printers. But I can tell you that everything is now either on its way to the printers or currently being printed, so we are hopeful that we'll see this all back at the warehouse in a month or so. NO PROMISES until I know it's shipping to us - but that's my best estimate today.
Here's what will be included in the update:
- 47 replacement counters
- Replacements for all  Player Aid Cards
- One new full-color Player Aid Card
- An 11 x 17 rules clarification sheet
We had quite a lot of internal discussion about what to do about the game maps. As many of you pointed out to us, the problems with the maps ARE pretty minor in game terms. But unfortunately, there are an annoying number of them. This was a tough call for us, as the maps and counters cost about $9,000 to reprint in total, but at the end of the day, we decided that if we were in our customers' shoes, we would want new maps. So that's what you're going to get - two brand spanking new CORRECTED maps, so your game will basically be as good as new.
Again, I'd like to personally apologize for the problems with this game. We're going to make sure it's fixed and hope that The Supreme Commander will bring you guys many years of enjoyment.
Historiska spel / Re: Julian (Decision Games)
17 oktober 2013 kl. 20:56:50
Trevlig recension om ett spel som ser väldigt trevligt ut!

Finns det solitärregler?
Andra världskriget / Re: Reprint av Up Front!
17 oktober 2013 kl. 08:49:02
Kom en uppdatering via Kickstarter igår där slutkommentaren lyder:

We are going to get this game produced, we are working through the issues and we will update you with a completion date as soon as we know it.
Helt galet ju! :)

Jag ångrar mig nästan att jag inte backade...
Jag är ouppdaterad. Men av detta så förstår jag att det är mängder med oklarheter och errata. Kanske inte värt öppna plasten förrän det finns någon fix från GMT?