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SDS Games och Grand Tactical Series

Startat av Elias Nordling, 16 september 2016 kl. 20:30:37

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Elias Nordling

När MMP satsar på mer udda grejer är det ingen som köper dem av nån anledning.
"Your value to me as a tester is your vandal instinct at breaking games!"


Nja, jag blir lite sömnig även av GMTs kommande spel. Det enda som gör mig varm i yllehosorna är Hexasims "Great War Commander". Combat Commander i första världskriget. Så är jag lite sugen på Nuts "Urban Operations"

MMP känns sega. Undrar om de till och med inte är långsammare än oss på Legion (vi har underbemanning som ursäkt)

Elias Nordling

Och där blev det klart att Utah och Omaha blir i Adams nya serie och inte i Grand Tactical Series. Inte för att jag hade några som helst planer på att sätta ihop dem till ett monster.
"Your value to me as a tester is your vandal instinct at breaking games!"

Elias Nordling

...och MMP säger även att de kommer att göra The Greatest Day, Utah och Omaha, vilket innebär att dessa spel kommer att finnas i bägge systemen.
"Your value to me as a tester is your vandal instinct at breaking games!"


SDS games ..... ?? har det redan försvunnit ?? Hittar inte på FB
Hittat ny lokal, nu spelas 3 days of gettysburg third edition med 2 man, samt White Death (japan version) med 2 man

Elias Nordling

Facebookgruppen verkar ha försvunnit. Kan tänka mig att MMP inte var så glada i att Adam Starkweather helt enkelt döpte om Facebook-gruppen för Grand Tactical Series. Han verkar inte ha nån onlinenärvaro nån annan stans att tala om vad jag kan se. SDS Games verkar inte vara ett särdeles unikt namn så det kan finnas ett problem där också.
"Your value to me as a tester is your vandal instinct at breaking games!"

Elias Nordling

Det bidde inget SDS Games, det bidde Compass Games:

12/13/2016: New Addition to the Compass Team!

It is with great pleasure that Compass introduces the newest member of our team – Adam Starkweather. Adam brings an extensive resume of design, development and gaming experience to Compass. Adam's professional experience in wargaming began with his Paper Wars reviews of more than 10 years ago. His contributions were so well received that John Burtt, began grooming Adam to eventually replace him as editor. Adam is probably most well-known for his Grand Tactical System (GTS) games with The Devil's Cauldron being the flag-ship game of that series. Adam has picked up 12 Charles S Roberts Awards in his wargaming career, one of the many reasons we are so pleased to have Adam on the Compass Team.

Here's what's in store from this new partnership:

We have five of Adam's games planned for publication in 2017. Two of these, Saipan – The Bloody Rock, and Guam – Return to Glory, debut his CSS (Company Scale System) series and can be pre-ordered now. Following these will be the first game in his new OSS (Operational Scale System) series, Korea – Fire and Ice. The fifth game will see Adam return to his old stomping ground of Western Europe with a tour-de-force game also using his Company Scale System. Stay tuned for more information. Notice we only mentioned four games above. The fifth game is a secret for now, and Adam's doing this as a special request from Bill on a subject we have wanted to publish a game on since Compass' inception back in...2004! So it is near and dear to our hearts, but we holding that close to the chest for now.

Additionally, Adam is taking over as the editor of Paper Wars. Adam will work closely with Knut in the compilation of the complete Paper Wars experience going forward.

So, as you can see, Adam will be an integral part of Compass going forward and he's already hard at work with Saipan appearing in the first quarter of 2017, Guam in the second quarter, and an Issue of Paper Wars to produce each quarter also.

Strap yourselves in Gamers – 2017 is going to be a year to remember from Compass!
"Your value to me as a tester is your vandal instinct at breaking games!"

Andreas Lundin

Funderar mest på (spelar mindre): Europa Universalis. Warhammer 40000. GBoH
